New technologies lead to new ways of doing things. Nowhere is it most clearly seen than in today’s increasingly digital world. Now, more than ever, is the need to imagine, innovate, create, and execute flawlessly solutions that improve the entire customer experience.

Pointwest taps its intrinsic culture of excellence and its focus on customer engagement to introduce digital innovations that benefit its clients, allowing you to not suffer the disruptions brought about by these new technologies but to instead reap the benefits they bring.

Imagineering a


Decisions based on solid numbers,
not merely guesswork.


Data is touted as the most important resource in a world gone digital. Pointwest’s tried-and-tested, award-winning Data Analytics service gives you the ability to make your Data work for you, giving you insights that lead to better business and organizational decisions.


Automated Software

Pointwest has always been a Software Testing powerhouse. With the introduction of automation tools to our global-standards processes, we give clients not only the quality of testing we are known for but also the speed and cost savings automation gives.



The new digital landscape hides many threats, but Pointwest’s approach to cybersecurity, one that emphasizes a pro-active, culture-based system, gives you both the tools and mentality to ensure your digital assets and those of your customers are kept safe from the worst cyberthreats today and tomorrow.




The changing times call for changes in approaches. That’s why we designed our Enterprise Architecture service with an eye to integrating the latest Digital tools and technologies, so you can make full use of the opportunities in a rapidly changing business landscape.



Consumers today value experiences as much as they do function and practicality. Having done User Experience (UX) Design long before the term became a business constant, our Experience Design courses will help guide you find the biggest challenges in your organizations, products and services, leading you to the most effective ways to address them.


Internet of

One of the wonders of the Internet is that it’s given everyday objects a bigger utility. Pointwest’s Internet of Things (IoT) service puts the power of this tool



Bring your digital experience to the
next level with our products.


Events Engagement Suite for You (EESY) is a mobile app for events management and engagement that helps organizers and event participants alike have an easier and more fruitful experience.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per iriure iisque consulatu et. Viris molestie pericula duo ea.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per iriure iisque consulatu et. Viris molestie pericula duo ea.

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The best is delivered only with the right partners.


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Success Stories

See how we’ve helped our clients
across different industries.

Skriba: How Using Artificial Intelligence Can Help Perform Everyday Tasks

The rush to adapt to the Next Normal was one of the biggest challenges that confronted the business world as early as the initial outbreak of the Covid19 global pandemic. The Black Swan ushered a new age of innovation as it forced companies to pivot how to get their work done.   Skriba, the smart […]

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Pointwest Creates a Fully-Digital Self-Service Member Enrollment Tool for Maxicare

Read how Pointwest helped modernize Maxicare’s online services with a fully digital, self-enrollment system.

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